Gym Buddies

gym buddy

Gym buddies…

Everybody has one, right?


I have found over the time I have been attending Sandcastle Fitness, that most of the regulars have their own group, or gym buddy.

Some (I’ve noticed) decide to go alone.

I myself have a gym buddy and wouldn’t know what the heck to do without one!!!

Maybe for some people it’s easier to focus working out alone? Perhaps it’s too distracting to be working out with another person, let alone a few? Sometimes you get to talking, then decide to stop and grab a bite to eat after only completing two sets.

Whoops. I can’t say that’s ever happened before… *wink wink*

For me personally, having a workout buddy is a fantastic thing. It’s like having a personal cheerleader rootin’ you on to lift. It’s a wonderful thing. That’s why I love the partnership. Whether it’s a friend, school colleague, sibling, or other half, getting that motivation from them just makes you want to do better, does it not?

I would love to hear from those who workout alone!

What are your methods? Why do you like working out alone?




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